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10 Superpowers Grandmothers Can Use to Save America - Moms for America

MFA Weekly Newsletter

10 Superpowers Grandmothers Can Use to Save America - Moms for America
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Jul 6, 2022

10 Superpowers Grandmothers Can Use to Save America

Superheroes aren’t just on the big screen.

They are real.

And if you’re a grandmother, we’re looking at you!

You are a power-packed combo of wisdom, experience, faith, patriotism, and love for your grandkids. You can stop a speeding locomotive of anti-American propaganda in its tracks!

Your superpowers can change the course of history – starting with those sweet little ones who call you Grandma, Mimi, Nana, Granny, Nonna, Abuela, or – fill in the blank!

If you’re concerned about our nation’s direction, don’t underestimate the impact you can make on the next generation. You may be done raising children, but your work – and influence – is far from over!

YOU, along with other patriotic grandmothers from sea to shining sea, can turn the tide with these 10 superpowers grandmothers can use to save America.

Superpower #1: Create a Special Bond with Your Grandkids

Some grandparents claim they enjoy their grandkids even better than their own children! Is that true?

Advertising executive Lois Wyse famously said, “If I had known how wonderful it would be to have grandchildren, I’d have had them first.” 1

You naturally interact with your grands differently than parent to child. Grandmothers have a unique, powerful voice and influence on children – one that can help save America!

When you create that special bond with your grandkids, that’s where the superpowers grandmothers can use to save America come into play. You can help your family raise young patriots simply by creating a special bond with your grandkids.

Use that special bond you have with them to guide your grandchildren to embrace their American heritage and citizenship. Just like your hugs bring them comfort, your words carry weight in spurring them on to develop an appreciation for the principles of freedom our nation was founded upon.

Superpower #2: Listen to Your Grandkids

Your influence is more than what you say to your grandchildren – it’s how you listen. There’s a difference between the listening ear of mom and dad, who carry parenting pressure, and what you as a grandmother can provide as they open their hearts to you.

The current culture is vying for the hearts of your grandchildren. Progressivism is coming for them in the classroom, on television, and on social media. To combat these dangerous messages, you’ve got to learn what they’re hearing first – by listening. As your grandchildren process these influences from school or the Internet, you can bring a gentle, un-rushed intentionality that counters the lies with the all-powerful truth.

When you listen to your grandkids in these quiet moments, your well-earned wisdom and patience will yield a priceless benefit: they’ll also listen to what you say. You can guide your grandchildren into all truth from the wisdom of God’s Word, which is the foundation of our nation’s principles of freedom. Our nation benefits as you listen and guide them to develop discernment and ultimately the heart of a patriot.

 And if these moments can happen over a plate of fresh cookies – so much the better!

Superpower #3: Be an Epic Storyteller

This is where your influence can really shine, Grandma.

Stories stick with us, and epic tales from our nation’s story will color your grandkids’ view of America in ways that will stay with them their entire lives.

Given the tenor of many schools today, you may be the best person to share the fantastic stories that made America great. For a few examples, check our recent blog about some miracles that helped birth our nation.

When you take the time to discover – and share – rich tales of American patriots like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Harriet Tubman, you will impact those little minds who look to you for direction.  There are endless patriotic stories to choose from.

You can tell these stories over dinner or on a car ride to the store.

Retelling our colorful history is one of the most effective superpowers grandmothers can use to save America. Having a foundation in the principles of freedom will give your grandchildren both confidence and knowledge, inspiring patriotism. Patriotism, in turn, motivates the protection and preservation of America. And we can all agree we need that now more than ever!

Don’t forget to include Bible stories, like David and Goliath or when Jesus multiplied a small meal to feed thousands. Biblical truth is at the heart of our republic.

Grandma, learn to be an epic storyteller and watch how they respond. Pro-tip: the key is taking relaxed time and letting the “epic” story do the work!

Superpower #4: Be the Family Historian

Your grandkids need to hear stories from your family tree.

Not only will this build a strong sense of family in your own clan but will also build patriotic spirit in their membership in the American family.

Share stories about military service from your ancestors and any serving now. Is Grandad a Marine? Is there an uncle or aunt who is serving in the Army? It might even be a more distant, great grandparent who wore an American uniform.

You could even jump on and dig up some ancestors who fought in the Civil War or Revolution!

Be the family historian, so the accounts of patriots in your clan will live on.

Use pictures of what military life was like for that family member. Tell about deployments, wars, and the families left at home when soldiers were called up. Most importantly, talk about the reasons military heroes in your family served.

Understanding these patriotic motivations will help your grandkids appreciate the military and our nation.

You can also recall what life was like in America when you were your grandchild’s age. Tell stories of your parents and grandparents, tying them to life in our nation. Do you have an account about seeing the first moon walk on TV in the 60s? Or did you see Berliners freed and the Cold War ended in the 80s when President Reagan uttered the words, “Mr. Gorbechev, tear down this wall”?

American history in your family story will motivate your grands to help America thrive in the future. There’s a patriotic connection to their unfolding story in your memories.

Pull out photo albums, scrapbooks, and mementos; the stories will practically tell themselves!

Superpower #5: Share Your Patriotic Flair

When the kids are with you, invite them to say the pledge of allegiance before a flag in the front yard or kitchen. Make it a tradition for them!

Open your home for special festivities on the 4th of July and other patriotic holidays. Use crafts, stories, and special foods to instill a love and appreciation for America from a young age.

If they are old enough, tell them stories about Pearl Harbor and 9/11, along with triumphs in the Space Race. You’d be surprised what they’re not hearing about in school!

Do you have adult grandchildren? Be sure to encourage them to vote. Explain what it means to you, driving home the importance of that patriotic duty. Pro-tip: Send them a text during elections with scripture and remind them to hit the polls!

Volunteer with your grandkids at a local military charity. Most cities have veteran’s organizations which will give you the opportunity to give back and meet patriots who served.

You can share your patriotism with fun activities in our amazing new Patriot Pack for kids, or ideas from our recent Memorial Day blog, and by listening together to  “Adventures in American History,” an audio drama series from Adventures in Odyssey.

When you share your patriotic flair with your grands – expect to build a legacy of celebration, love, and respect for our country.

Superpower #6: Create Family Adventure

There are lots of ways you can crank up the adventurous side of your all-American family.

Take your grandkids to visit patriotic sites locally or plan an epic extended family trip to some of America’s most famous historical sites. We wrote about some great patriotic getaways in a recent blog post or you can check out our new Liberty Trips map with over 2,000 patriotic sites to visit!

You can bet that your grandchildren will never forget these times of soaking in our nation’s history. You’re helping educate them about American exceptionalism while building their love of country. 

Jot down some doable ideas. Is it a historic church 30 minutes away? Or will you organize a trip to visit the Smithsonian in Washington DC? As you flex your superpower to create family adventure – the fun and memories will be unstoppable!

Superpower #7:  Keep Family Traditions Alive

Hang on to unique big and small customs from your family’s history.

Preserving beloved family practices is one of the superpowers grandmothers can use to save America from the cultural push away from traditional family life.

Pray over mealtime. Gratitude and honoring God are foundational to our freedom. Read the Bible together in the morning or in the evening.

What else did you do as a family when you were a kid or raising yours?

Were there 4th of July fireworks viewed from a particular park? Did your dad take you to a cemetery to commemorate Memorial Day? Was the Christmas story part of your night before Christmas ritual? 

As you help keep family traditions alive, you are making a difference in the future of our nation. These simple acts will affect family relationships today and for generations to come!

Superpower #8: Show Them Their Value

No one can speak into your grandkids’ lives like you.

Your words expressing their value to you, the family, the nation, and God, do more than just boost self-esteem. They color their future decisions and outlook on life.

Share about the day they were born. What were you thinking and feeling on that special day? Show them pictures of their earliest moments and invite discussion. 

Teach them what the Bible says about them in Psalm 139. They were specially designed by God Himself!

Discuss what it means to be a citizen of the United States. Help them learn how important they are to this nation. What they believe, do, say, and actions they take will impact the future of America.

Talk about voting and why it’s a priority to you. Suppose you have an opportunity to allow them to watch you participate in an election. Witnessing your act will build anticipation for when they are old enough to vote!

Superpower #9: Pray Without Ceasing

Never, ever underestimate the power of a grandmother’s prayer.

Keep their names and needs close and talk to God about them. Pray for their family, their faith, education, and future. Give it the 1 Thessalonians 5:17 treatment: “Pray without ceasing.”

This is the greatest superpower in your arsenal.

Though we can’t always see immediate outcomes, James 5:16 says, in part, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” You are standing in the gap for the next generation of Americans – and loving your grandkids well.

Superpower #10: Be a Source of Wisdom

You bring so much to the table – your fun-loving creativity, storytelling, prayer, and patriotic practices.

Most of all, though, you are a rich source of wisdom. You know things that need to be passed to these precious kids about our nation’s history – and future, whether they are five years old or 25. You are building the next generation and your influence is helping them develop a rich foundation of patriotism.

You have lived, parented, prayed, suffered, sung, laughed, and celebrated.

You bring quiet confidence and wisdom that can only be found in the life and faith of a grandmother.

Listen well, love much, hug often, and allow God to use your superpowers to save America!

