Jul 27, 2021 | Blog Articles, Home Reliance
Home Reliance Are You Prepared? As Covid-19 soared to unprecedented measures closing schools and even entire states, a bit of panic set in. Families flooded to stores grabbing everything they thought they would need, quickly realizing the items they wanted weren’t...
Jun 19, 2021 | Blog Articles
Celebrating the Founding Fathers andOur Flag this Father’s Day The world is filled with contradictions. For example, social justice issues seem to cause fear and separation when the primary goal is to achieve harmony and unity. Another example is that we live in...
Jun 4, 2021 | Blog Articles, Critical Race Theory, CRT Guide OI, MFA Weekly Newsletter
Critical Race Theory Teaches Our Children to Hate Their Country, Neighbors, and Themselves Written by Kimberly Fletcher ​Critical Race Theory isn’t new. It has been craftily injected into our societal thought behind closed doors for decades. It has held many labels...
May 6, 2021 | Blog Articles
Moms Still Have the Power to Rule the World Written by Kimberly Fletcher What influence does a mother have? It can be hard to see in a culture that actively discourages mothers from raising happy, healthy, patriotic children. It seems our society is determined to...
Apr 14, 2021 | Blog Articles, MFA Weekly Newsletter
We Must Expose the Mainstream Media’s Folly Written by Kimberly Fletcher ​I am constantly surprised by the number of people I interact with who are unaware that the American media is mostly a biased, narrative-controlling group intent on diverting Americans’...