Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots


Moms for America, Stronger than Ever
Empowering Moms • Promoting Liberty • Raising Patriots

Why is the gift of life so controversial?

Why is the gift of life so controversial?

Why is the gift of life so controversial? Written by Debbie Kraulidis, Moms For America Why is the gift of life so controversial?  Seems like a strange question to ask – right?   But then again it seems to make people frankly lose their minds.   They choose political...
Why Moms Voices Deserve to be Heard

Why Moms Voices Deserve to be Heard

Why Moms Voices Deserve to be Heard Written by Cheri Saccone ​How many of us have heard other moms say (or heard ourselves say), “I’m not political,” or, “I’m not smart enough to follow politics,” or, “My husband is the one who keeps up with all that political stuff.”...