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5 Lies vs. 5 Truths That Must Triumph to Save America - Moms for America Weekly Newsletter Blog

MFA Weekly Newsletter

5 Lies vs. 5 Truths That Must Triumph to Save America - Moms for America Weekly Newsletter Blog
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Jul 27, 2024

5 Lies vs. 5 Truths That Must Triumph to Save America

We all caught our breath as gunshots rang out on a beautiful summer day in Pennsylvania.

A subtle turn of President Trump’s head and the hand of God saved us all from tragedy.

He shook off the hold of Secret Service agents to raise his fist, signaling to stunned rallygoers that he was okay – and not giving up the “fight” for our nation. It was terrifying and inspirational all at the same time.

Tragically, a brave patriot, firefighter Corey Comperatore, lost his life as he heroically shielded his family, and two others at the rally were seriously injured by the murderer/would-be assassin. It didn’t take long to see severe gaps in the protection plan, and obvious Secret Service blunders were revealed one after the other. It was a series of unthinkable errors – and the facts are still coming out.

Then, it got weird.

The now-former head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, started wildly throwing out odd statements and excuses in a failed attempt to smooth things over. My personal favorite was the one about the dangerous slope of the nearly flat roof the shooter occupied. It was. Nearly. Flat.

Good-humored Americans had a field day with that ridiculous assertion – and the social media memes flew! The video of the cow walking on the tin roof left me laugh-crying for more.

This monumental event of life and death was soon reduced to a question of politics. Leftist Joy Reid even tried to make the comparison that surviving an assassin’s bullet – is the same as Joe Biden weathering COVID-19. Yes, she said that. It’s all about the spin these days. That’s one reason we wanted to highlight five lies versus five truths that must triumph to save America.

Watch out for these five whoppers:

Lie #1: “We’ve launched an investigation.”

Oh, my.

The FBI is investigating the assassination attempt on President Trump. Should we really trust them?

The FBI “trumped up” an investigation accusing “Russian collusion” within the 2016 Trump campaign. It’s been thoroughly debunked and now is widely referred to as the “Russia Hoax.”

The FBI stormed the President’s home, Mar-a-Lago, to create a case against Trump that is now dismissed.

The FBI targeted everyday Americans, some for merely being present in Washington, D.C., on January 6, 2020. They are still executing searches and arrests nearly four years later.

Hillary Clinton was tied to the Russia Hoax and had her own scandal with a secret server used when she was Secretary of State. She destroyed evidence and tens of thousands of emails – and the FBI decided to let it slide.

The FBI had 40+ confidential sources with information regarding likely illegal schemes from Joe, Hunter, and James Biden.1  And yet, we haven’t heard much about that investigation. Have there been any no-knocks at the Biden’s Rehoboth Beach estate?

The Truth: Honest, transparent investigations must keep politics in check.

Can the FBI ever fit that bill? Certainly not at this point. They give every appearance of being irredeemably compromised based on politics. It’s slimey, some might say “swamp-like.” Just ask the whistleblowers who were forced out for daring to question corrupt practices. They are a growing group who lost their FBI careers – but kept their dignity.

We need our next President and his administration to clean house – big time.

Lie #2: “You can find trusted, unbiased news reports.”

This one’s a little obvious. Nobody pretends the media is unbiased anymore. In 2024, it’s all about content creation over news reporting. The mainstream media, including the traditional networks and left-leaning cable news, is rife with talking points that span across these like-minded, lock-step performers.

A few days ago, they were against the very thought of a Kamala Harris Presidential run due to low polling.

Now, voila! As polls cratered even worse for Biden, he mysteriously dropped out of the race – and a fawning mainstream media is 100% Team Harris giving their viewers whiplash as they spin on a dime. Should the Democrats manage to oust her for a new flavor at the convention, they’d drop Harris like a bad habit once again. Though now it seems somewhat unlikely since former President Obama has tipped his hat to her candidacy.

That’s not journalism. It’s electioneering.

The Truth: Fair, accurate journalism is needed in America

With America so divided, it may be a pipe dream to imagine that genuinely fair reporting will return to the airwaves or internet. A growing number of independent journalists like the Tucker Carlson Network, Blaze TV, The Daily Wire, among many others, are making a significant move and growing their audiences via the internet rather than traditional or cable television outlets.

Meanwhile, artificial intelligence is making its early appearances – and just like that, the wild west is unleashed on the news and information industry. What’s true? What’s not? Can you even believe your eyes anymore? Or was that photo, voice, or video conjured by A.I.?

We must commit to informed critical thinking and arming ourselves with truth. Never stop questioning – if something doesn’t sound right, dig deeper, mamas!

Do you have a child interested in a career in “the fifth estate?” We need young patriots ready to bring reliable journalism back. It’s dog-eat-dog out there, but your young writer, blogger, podcaster, or YouTuber could be instrumental in restoring journalistic integrity and sanity.

Lie #3: “Diversity, equity, and inclusion is about diversity, equity, and inclusion.”

It’s not.

It may sound like a good thing to some. Who doesn’t like the idea of diversity? Different people with varying views, all enjoying vibrant conversation at a cocktail party. That’s not what this is, though.

DEI is lipstick on a pig. This oinker is really an ideological shell game leading to socialism, fascism, and, ultimately, communism.

We learned a lot about these and other cultural deceptions during our conversation on this week’s podcast with Julie Behling, author of the stunning book and movie Beneath Sheep’s Clothing.

The ideological push designed to make totalitarianism more appealing to young Americans has striking similarities to what Behling learned as a missionary in Russia, getting to know victims of the USSR’s brutality and in her advanced studies of that nation’s history of communism.

We heard similar stories from the author of Mao’s America, Xi Van Fleet, with her firsthand account of living through China’s bloody and oppressive cultural revolution.

DEI is a smokescreen promising freedom for the oppressed, but in practice, it takes control of the narrative, businesses, family life, and communities – and is wielded as a weapon against religion. Behling and Van Fleet both shared that the destruction of churches and faith practices is crucial to every totalitarian regime.

The concepts behind the DEI sham are sold to children in our public schools, online, and in the media to bring fairness, love, and goodness to the world, but that could not be further from the truth.

DEI is the enemy of every freedom.

The Truth: America needs a renaissance of patriotism, family, faith, and freedom.

We’re glad to report that the failure of DEI’s promised utopia is starting to be evident for some. American organizations and companies are dumping their DEI staff to return to a more wisdom-based meritocracy. It turns out that finding the best person for the job isn’t about color, gender, or gender preference.

That’s a good start, and now we need to push for a return to patriotism, celebrating our nation, and teaching our kids to do the same. Mamas raising your kids as proud, grateful and informed American patriots can bring about a new renaissance in our nation.

We must also ground them in the value and connection of your strong family, imparting the virtues of getting married and having kids. Finally, we must hold firm to our freedom to exercise our faith. Everyone in America must be free to follow God as they wish – or not embrace faith at all – but live in the liberty to make that choice for themselves.

Lie #4: “The green movement will save the earth.”

It sounds so virtuous.

Kamala Harris and her ilk promise a world with no coal, no oil – which President Trump rightly points out will make us more like a “third world country.”

Imagine – no cars, limited power to heat and cool your homes. Oh, and do you want to fly to the coast this weekend? Better hitch up the wagon because, in Harris’s utopia, airplanes can’t happen.

Kids are being terrorized with unfounded apocalyptic tales of woe about the death of our planet. Some students suffering from depression have even cited fear of the coming climate disaster as a contributor to their hopelessness. Seriously, how is this not child abuse?

The Truth: Climate ideology is about money and power, not earth-love.

We can all agree that we must steward the resources and land entrusted to us. Contrary to accusations from the left, conservatives love clean water, clean air, pristine forests, and oceans. We also love science, and as their theories seem more agenda-based than proven data, we opt for lower fuel prices and the use of the wealth of natural resources America is blessed with.

Paying a “carbon offset” fee won’t save the whales – or the ozone. The movement is based either on outright lies or hubris, claiming that they can save the earth by ending your SUV.

Electric cars are fine, but please don’t force Americans into immature technology and lack the infrastructure, calling it virtuous. It’s a money grab, pure and simple.

Rather than robust, questioning science, wild-eyed activists glue themselves to famous works of art, block thoroughfares, and imagine these foolish-looking tactics will change even one opinion in their favor.

We must continue to push for thorough and truly science-based research to help us steward resources well and enjoy the benefits of our rich planet.

Lie #5: Elections in America are free, fair, and accurate.

Who won the 2020 election?

To some, it’s a question that was answered when Joe Biden settled into the Oval Office.

The answer remains elusive to others who couldn’t unsee the shenanigans throughout the election process. There are many questions unanswered. We know there was fraud. But how much?

Whichever camp you fall in, we all got four years of Biden.

His administration brought economic destruction to millions of hard-working Americans. Biden’s foreign policy led to disaster for patriot families who lost loved ones and others who suffered catastrophic injuries due to the foolish and poorly planned exit from Afghanistan. They abandoned billions in military equipment, planes, vehicles, and weaponry to our enemies and many of our Afghan friends who aided America during that prolonged war.

At home, millions have illegally poured through a border that has been purposefully opened, bringing with it rising crime, a fentanyl crisis, and damage to our nation that cannot fully be known yet. Fuel prices climbed, and mask/vaccine mandates stripped Americans of their freedoms as transgender visibility day replaced Easter Sunday at the White House.

So, can we ever have accurate elections?

The Truth: Elections in America CAN be free, fair, and accurate.

There is hope. Organizations like True the Vote, The Fair Election Fund, The Heritage Foundation, the Republican National Convention, and countless others have taken up the mantel of exposing and influencing better practices to secure our votes.

President Trump and others have called for one day of in-person voting – with paper ballots. Others champion the idea of a national holiday for that one day of voting. Those are ideas to consider down the road.

You can do your part this year by signing up at MomVote to pledge to cast your vote this fall, and there, you’ll find more information on candidates and issues. We encourage you to get involved locally as poll watchers or participate in other on-the-ground volunteer opportunities. Contact the local office of the party you are affiliated with, and they will know where you can plug in to help secure this fall’s vote.

The lies keep coming.

Sadly, we could’ve shared many more than five. We must stay aware and vigilant. As moms, you carry the hearts and minds of our next generation of American greatness in your little ones. Together, we’ll stand for the truth, freedom, faith, and honesty that characterize our heritage and America’s future.

1 foxnews.com
