7 Trending Ideas in America and Why They’re Really Not True
My husband and I recently had a wonderful trip to Hawaii. We enjoyed our books and coffee one morning, nestled in the plush outdoor seating in front of our hotel. As we awaited our pickup by a tour van for our day at Pearl Harbor, a woman nearby locked eyes on the book my husband was reading and approached us.
He was deep into Yeonmi Park’s autobiography, In Order to Live, a harrowing account of life in and escape from communist North Korea. The woman introduced herself and began to tell her own tale of leaving China after living through the dark days of Mao’s regime. We were spellbound by her accounts of her early life, where freedoms were as scarce as the food often was. Before finishing her story, she encouraged us to read another book, Mao’s America, by Xi Van Fleet.
Once home, we dug into Mao’s America and read a story like the one we heard from the kind woman we met in Waikiki. Now an American citizen, Van Fleet lays out the striking similarities between her life being raised under Mao and America’s ideological shifts. Her thesis is that Mao-style Marxism is now embedded in our beloved nation. We were honored to interview Xi Van Fleet on this week’s podcast, and you won’t want to miss her story and her compelling perspective on our current cultural climate.
Communist China sought complete and unquestioning compliance with Chairman Mao’s Marxist vision, which he enforced with the far-reaching and brutal tactics of his Red Guard. Speech was limited to praise of the party and the regime. People were canceled, shamed, and much more. Statues and relics were destroyed, and religious temples were repurposed. Education narrowed to a sole focus on Mao’s ideology. He attempted to rid China of religion of all kinds and to break up the nuclear family. His philosophy also held that children belonged to the state – rather than their parents.
Sounds a little too familiar, doesn’t it?
For America, wokeism has brought subtle shifts in education, entertainment, and media for years. And after the pandemic, suddenly, much of the Marxist scheme was exposed.
Our schools leaned into gender ideology, social justice, Critical Race Theory, twisted history, and values, resulting in concerted attacks on the family, American exceptionalism, our Constitution, long-held traditions, and Christianity. We were told we couldn’t say or even think certain things. We were told that our words were “violence.” Then, the woke class attempted to take control of the public narrative completely. Their assault is against truth and is boldly illustrated by these seven trending but untrue ideas in America.
1. “MAGA is a threat to democracy.”
This one is everywhere right now and will probably be front and center until November. It’s pointed at Republicans in general, MAGA Republicans, and sometimes they put the finest point on it: President Trump. The narrative claims that the President, if he wins, will round up his enemies and even regular citizens, sending them to detention “camps.” There’s no evidence to support that assertion, and yet, it’s constantly being parroted by talking heads on outlets like MSNBC and CNN, as well as all the usual suspects.
Nothing the former President has ever done or said in his four years in office or after has signaled or hinted that he would end democracy. The Republicans’ desire for fair and accurate elections is actually shared by a majority on both sides of the aisle, except maybe for Democratic politicians who seem to have other goals. When President Trump begins his second term, we believe our nation will have its best chance at a Constitution-based recovery.
2. Fauci has an “open mind.”
Last week, a darling of mainstream media, Dr. Anthony Fauci, finally faced the music – sort of – when he testified before The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Remember the Pandemic? You were there, right?
Back then, Fauci touted the wet market theory exclusively, using the flawed Proximal Origin paper to push public opinion away from the idea that Covid came from a lab leak. His private emails have been released, revealing that Fauci and friends were concerned about the possibility of a lab origin. However, they actively promoted that it came from a bat or some other natural occurrence.
He now says he was “open-minded” about it and never pushed a particular narrative.
That was just the beginning of the government’s thought /behavior control. The Daily Mail reported on the top-down misinformation campaign in an article, “Revealed: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he ‘made up’ Covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids.” 1
Masking, vaccine mandates, and massive closures caused irreparable damage to livelihoods, military careers, and children. Any online discussion of Covid’s origin, masks, vaccines, treatments, or forced closures of businesses, schools, and churches could land you in social media jail. If you stepped out of line in any way, you were accused of killing others with your insensitivity and non-mask compliance.
It wasn’t that long ago; most of us can remember it, making the current spin a little hard to swallow.
3. “Pride month is about love.”
It’s Pride Month…again.
Canada has a “Pride Season” from June to September. Wow.
We’ve been told that the LGBTQ+ community’s month is a celebration of love. We don’t think so.
Over the last few years, we’ve seen an increasingly dark side of that movement.
Drag queens have swung their hips before our children as public figures like Dylan Mulvany have mocked us with his silly and disrespectful woman-face spectacle. At the same time, intact men have infiltrated women’s sports. Schools have been trying to sexualize young children as concerned parents are ridiculed as “book banners” for objecting to harmful and pornographic material.
Many in the sprawling LGBTQ+ community have shown themselves intolerant of any who hold traditional values. Gender questioning is pushed on kids as parents are lied to by educators. Then, concerned moms and dads are warned that if they don’t help their minor child “transition,” they will lose that son or daughter to suicide.
The facts don’t support that, as more face regret and suicidal ideation post-transition than prior.2 Those who promote the spread of gender ideology ignore the fact that many of these have other underlying mental or emotional conditions that go untreated and are not fixed by a transition.3
Doesn’t sound like love to me.
4. “No one is above the law.”
This one is pretty infuriating.
As news of guilty verdicts for 34 felony counts were announced against President Trump for “crimes,” nobody can really define, the cry from the left was a self-satisfied “no one’s above the law!”
But wait.
The judge in that case seemed above the law. His bias was on full display with outrageous allowances for the prosecution and his squelching of many defense attempts to provide testimony or other evidence.
District Attorney Fani Willis came face-to-face with the public disclosure of her salacious affair with a boyfriend who she’d hired to be a special prosecutor. Now, allegations about the misuse of taxpayer funds have yet to be resolved. Is she above the law?
Hillary Clinton’s campaign funded the infamous Russia hoax, tagging payment for the fake dossier as “legal services.” Sound familiar? They were eventually fined $8000. She also erased 33,000 emails after the Benghazi Committee ordered that they be preserved from her personal email account used when she was Secretary of State. She was never prosecuted. Apparently, she is above the law.
Then there’s the Bidens. There have been so many questionable international involvements through the years. Confidential papers in Joe’s garage next to the Corvette. Then, there’s Hunter’s trial this week. In stark contrast to Trump’s prosecution with a compromised judge in a city whose population nearly all voted for Biden, Hunter’s having his trial in his home state of Delaware with his stepmom, the First Lady, and other family members gazing into the eyes of the jurors selected from Biden-country. We’ll see how this one turns out, but we can guess.
Clearly, some are above the law.
5. “America must have a fossil fuel-free future.”
Joe Biden may think there will be no more fossil fuel use by 2050… or 2040… or whatever number he pulls out of his hat. The truth is that climate activists who point to the end of coal and oil production as some panacea to cure their concerns may be a little off.
The facts are hard to deny. Much as the utopian (but ludicrous) idea of military EVs (tanks with no carbon emissions) sounds romantic to some, we have one question. How do our soldiers charge a vehicle on the field of battle?
Powering our cars is only one use of fuel. Petroleum is widely used in healthcare, in medicines, and plastics. Think tubing for IVs, syringes and countless items used in hospitals and clinics. Then there are everyday items like phone cases, dental floss, asphalt, furniture, and an endless parade of fuel-dependent products – even wind turbines.
American taxpayers have borne the expense of a 7.5 billion dollar appropriation in 2021 so the Biden administration could build 500,000 EV charging stations nationwide to alleviate the pain for those who have taken the expensive leap to buy electric vehicles.
How’s it coming?
As of March of this year – they’ve built 7 or 8.4
6. “Capitalism is evil.”
You wouldn’t think this one would have legs at all, given that America is the birthplace of inventions like electric light, submarines, helicopters, television, anesthesia, frozen food, electric guitars, iPhones, and – the internet. Because of our free market, entrepreneurs and inventors could embark on incredible adventures in business, making the US the most inventive nation in the world. In our country, many have come from “nothing” and gained massive wealth and opportunity by doing the work and taking risks. Just read a little about the life of Walt Disney.
Yet, Teen Vogue published an article that claimed to present “both sides” of capitalism vs. socialism. Oh, my. The writer Kim Kelly declared that “Individual capitalists are typically wealthy people who have a large amount of capital (money or other financial assets) invested in business…” She fails to note that capitalists are also the risk-taking small business people who lay it all on the line, hoping to succeed. In our free market, some find enormous wealth, others get by, and some go bankrupt – but each takes their path in freedom.
She goes on to glamorize socialism with her belief that “In a capitalist country, the focus is on profits over anything else; in a socialist country, the public is seen to be more important, and social welfare is a major priority.” 5
I’m not sure you’ll find someone living under socialism who shares her enthusiasm. In reality, socialism has yet to produce a prosperous nation.
May God help our teens.
7. “America is Racist.”
This one is getting old; however, it’s hard-baked into much of the public education system. Parents discovered the cancer of CRT during the pandemic, and after we realized it was a malignant force in our schools.
In Mao’s America, Xi Van Fleet shared stories about how even the math in school featured references to the ideology of the Mao regime. We see the same thing as CRT has woven its way into history, art, math, science, literature – and virtually every school subject.
The truth differs significantly from the spin of the 1619 project’s lies and CRT’s divisive poison.
America is one of the least racist countries in the world.
The evidence of this is seen in the faces of hopeful legal immigrants from all ethnicities and nations who flock to our shores for the chance to experience the American dream.
True, along with virtually every other nation in history, America has a dark past, including slavery. Here’s what makes the US different. 6 We are the only nation that fought a bloody civil war to bring freedom to all. Six hundred twenty thousand died to end this evil in the United States. Today, slavery is still a scourge in our world, as some nations still allow the barbaric practice.
Did racism vanish? No. However, following our path through history, much has improved – and continues to. The myth of systemic racism and organizations like discredited BLM promote ideas meant to divide our citizens, and they end up hurting the very people they claim to help.
As America’s moms, we must hold tight to the truth and raise our children to understand the dangers of the push to collapse our freedoms and crush our Constitutional rights. Raise them with gratitude and pride for their nation. Teach them the importance of voting so they’ll look forward to the day when they are old enough to cast their own ballot. Support America-loving candidates, like President Trump, with volunteer efforts and funds. Finally, commit to pray as a family for God’s mercy on the United States of America.