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The Atheist Religion - Moms for America Weekly Newsletter Blog Post

MFA Weekly Newsletter

The Atheist Religion - Moms for America Weekly Newsletter Blog Post
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Mar 10, 2024

The Atheist Religion: It’s Politically Correct, Anti-Science, and Demands Your Loyalty

Flying home a few days ago on an unnamed airline, I was looking for something to pass the time on the three-hour flight, happily searching the onboard entertainment options on the screen before me. Deciding to check out season three of The Chosen 1, I began settling in for the trip.

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you probably know that The Chosen is a wildly successful fictional account of events surrounding the life of Jesus and those who were chosen by Him. To my surprise, I found the airline required clicking through a Parental Advisory warning that the content may be dangerous for children. Really?

I suppose it’s a sign of the times that pornographic books in school are okay, but watching Jesus heal a leper is…potentially unsafe.

It’s an upside-down world, not like the one portrayed in Stranger Things, but things are now even stranger. Good is bad, and bad is good. Right is wrong, and wrong is right, upside down and inside out, like some Dr. Seuss fever dream.

In an increasingly post-Christian society, there is a new religion that is attempting to quietly insert itself into nearly every aspect of life in America. It’s Atheism.

Yes, I called it a religion. It’s definitely not science-based. When you consider that religion is a set of organized beliefs, practices, and systems related to trust and faith in something, a god, or another force. They fit the bill.

Atheistic Anti-Science Communion

It reminded me of how culture has been ratcheting up a faith-based narrative. Not faith in God, mind you, but sort of an atheistic belief system outfitted with all the trappings of religions throughout history, rules, and rituals, repeated mantras, and required reverence. Rather than the sacred scriptures, this one is wrapped in an atheistic worldview.

Far from their more scientific-minded predecessors who worked hard, attempting to “prove” that everything is explainable through natural methodology, today’s progressive atheists have found a way to ignore science, clinging to beliefs devoid of conclusive proof and sometimes even logic.

Author and conservative radio host Eric Metaxas described culture’s unwillingness to adapt to the truth as it continues to be discovered in a speech at the 2019 Dallas Science and Faith Conference.2

He explained that earlier theories from Darwin to Freud, Kinsey, and others have had significant elements of their concepts discredited as more evidence and scientific discovery have been revealed. Those who have built their lives around these well-loved doctrines cling, white-knuckled to old, outdated ideas like a tattered security blanket in the hands of a frightened toddler.

Metaxas told the story behind an Op-Ed he wrote, published in the Wall Street Journal on Christmas Day in 2014, “Science Increasingly Makes the Case for God.” His article pointed to little-reported scientific discoveries that mathematically set what most have assumed about the universe on its ear.

Though largely ignored by culture, Metaxas explained that these discoveries point to nearly incalculable odds against any planet being able to support life at all. And yet, our Earth – with its inexplicable fine-tuning beats those odds.

It takes enormous faith to imagine that the complexity of the machinery in one cell, an eyeball, or even how a fever helps our bodies fight infection is the result of random happenstance. Yet that’s what Atheism demands we accept.

Metaxas wrote, “Fred Hoyle, the astronomer who coined the term “big bang,” said that his Atheism was “greatly shaken” at these developments. He later wrote that “a common-sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a super-intellect has monkeyed with the physics, as well as with chemistry and biology . . . . The numbers one calculates from the facts seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question.”3

A “super-intellect”? We agree. These discoveries continually point to God as the more scientific option.

A Bummer Church

As a religion, Atheism really is the worst of the worst.

It’s a worldview that believes that we’re all born of randomness. They don’t hype this as it’s utterly unromantic and can’t offer life any meaning. They would probably tell you that the good news is there’s no concept of sin. No right, no wrong. So, anything you decide to do is a go – regardless of the outcome.

The bad news? You were not made in the image of…anything. You aren’t special, and there’s no salvation, only whatever satisfaction you can muster on your own. Sad, really.

And to my knowledge, there are no church potlucks. Kind of a bummer religion.

Our podcast guest this week, Evan Sayet, shares concepts from his recent book, Magic Soup, Typing Monkeys and Horny Aliens From Outer Space: The Patently Absurd Wholly Unsubstantiated and Extravagantly Failed Atheist Origin Myth.

Sayet said in a recent interview, “Every known law and force and material across every known field of science supports the God hypothesis, and at the same time renders not just wrong, but impossible any other alternative.”

“God is not scientific; he is beyond our science,” Sayet explained, “but what they don’t tell you is that the only other alternative to God is also not scientific. So, we have two not-scientific possibilities. Either something from beyond our dimensions and beyond our materials and forces created the universe, or it came out of nowhere and nothing for no reason.” 4

Like all organized belief systems, Atheism has its tenets and objects of veneration. Here are just a few:

That Old-Time Religion – The Sacred Tradition of Debunked Scientific Theories

Some tried and true favorites like The Big Bang Theory are at the heart of their belief system. You know, the grand explosion that defied the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics by bringing order from the chaos of that monumental blast.

I learned from Evan Sayet about that law, which states that chaos always leads to more chaos. Chaos, or the fancy name, the state of entropy, never leads to order. It’s impossible, and yet Atheists love and revere the idea that the massive explosion caused it all. Now, that’s faith!

Likewise, Dr. Sigmund Freud’s theories, contending that basically everything in life is about sex, have been discredited as unscientific. Yet, Freud is still cited today by some who love and hold these and other dead theories dear.5

Charles Darwin is sort of the pope of Atheistic thought as his theories provided an ideological pathway for things to move from ooze to amoeba, to fish, to accountants, or something like that.

However, many aspects of Darwinism have not stood up to scientific discoveries over time, such as the complexity of the mechanics in a single cell, which we now know could not have evolved naturally. In Darwin’s defense, the technology of his day did not allow him to understand what is now known. Darwin said in his book, The Origin of Species, as if he could see the future, “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous successive, slight modifications, my theory would break down.” 6

That’s precisely what has happened; however, devout Atheists in government, education, and media still bow in reverence to these ideas.

Climate Catechism

Speaking of theories that have serious holes, climate alarmists like former vice-president Al Gore have gone to extremes to create and hock their own brand of apocalyptic hell-fire religion.

His 2006 An Inconvenient Truth was, in many ways, the nativity of this new cataclysmic worldview. Though theories of global warming and cooling had already been thrown around for many years, his “documentary” sermonized the concept, gaining followers galore as he put the world on notice. He claimed that the icecaps would be gone shortly, that there are links between weather events and climate, and that planet warming would cause a dramatic increase in disease. Of course, the end is indeed near.

The theories have gained enormous steam in the years since his movie. Though many of his claims have been debunked, climate has become a religion demanding obedience.

Recently, Gore claimed that the oceans are “boiling” and that massive storms could wipe out cities. It’s a lot, and it’s unsubstantiated but rarely questioned.7 Hey, if it gets them to the altar, what’s a little fire and brimstone, eh?

The Sacrament of Abortion

Let’s face it, Democratic women aren’t voting for Biden because of his mental acuity or economic prowess. They aren’t voting for him because our streets are safer, or gasoline and eggs are more affordable. They are enamored, beyond reason, with the idea of being able to end a pregnancy at any stage of the baby’s development. There’s a significant one-issue voting block out there who, with zealous religious fervor, are willing to give up everything to prop up this idol – even to their own detriment.

It may have been just me, but I thought that as technology gave us increasing knowledge about life inside the womb, including stunning 4D imagery, which clearly shows that the preborn baby is not just a “clump of cells,” it would make all the difference. Further, molecular biology reveals that the baby is not just part of the mom’s body, as he or she carries unique DNA. This scientific revelation would be just what the left-leaning “science-minded” atheistic pro-choice element would love, right?

It didn’t.

It seems science has no place in this discussion. Now we know for sure- this is a full-blown religion.

The Holy Grail of Gender

One of the fastest-growing religious orders of the day has to be gender ideology. It demands lock-step obedience, from using pronouns to affirming any and every fetish as deserving of honor. Among its clergy are drag queens and a strong contingent of educators and school administrators. Their religion has even found its way into government and our military. By its practice, it seems to diminish women – especially female athletes. It has effectively silenced feminists, who seem confused as to which side to occupy.

As much as any – this denomination wants NOTHING to do with science. It created its own theories that cannot be questioned. It changed (with remarkably little resistance) the simple definition of boy and girl. It silenced doctors and scientists claiming that gender is “assigned” at birth – though we know it is actually observed when a little one is born. They went on to assert – with the support of media, teachers, and government – that boys can become girls and girls can become boys. That boys can “chest feed” a baby and give birth. If you dare disagree, you are shunned as a bigoted heretic.

If you cross them, watch out. You could lose your job or custody of your child. You may stand accused of deadnaming if you call a person by their given name rather than a newly contrived one. Another sin is uttering the wrong pronouns, so you’d better stay updated with your coworker’s preferences – she, him, they, per, ve, xe, ze/zie. You may want to invest in a chart to keep up because this religion has no forgiveness – and definitely no grace.

Mamas, it’s a lot, we know. However, all of this ideology being pushed on society points to the importance of what you do. Raising our kids with a robust knowledge of history, science, and faith gives them an advantage as fewer are taught the truth. Despite the march toward this unholy and unscientific worldview, your family will make a difference. It begins in your home, around your table, family room, and backyard. From there – it will touch your community and our nation. Blessed truth.


2 – Discovery Science – Eric Metaxas

3 – Eric Metaxas article

4 – CGR Monday – Evan Sayet

5 – Dr. Sigmund Freud

6 – Darwin Debunked

7 – Global Warming Theory Challenged
