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Moms: Consider Now Before Voting in the 2024 Presidential Election - Moms for America Weekly Newsletter Blog Article

MFA Weekly Newsletter

Moms: Consider Now Before Voting in the 2024 Presidential Election - Moms for America Weekly Newsletter Blog Article
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Oct 14, 2024

Moms: Consider Now Before Voting in the 2024 Presidential Election

As moms, we always have an eye on the future.

It’s one of our mom things.

We hope and dream for our kids and our own aspirations as capable and creative American women. Considering our nation, we hope for a future with fully secure elections, a robust and vibrant economy where our kids can afford a home in a safe neighborhood, and a place where we don’t have to worry about our future grandkids being indoctrinated at school. We want American pride to swell and neighborliness and faith to make their long-awaited comeback.

The problem is – these things don’t happen by themselves. Our dreams for the future have to pass through a very formidable obstacle. Now.

This week, we’re looking at several issues – and where we stand at this moment. Most of the “now” issues we unpack here will be focused on the Biden/Harris administration simply because they are in charge and have facilitated what we are experiencing now.

The present is where our decisions, actions, and votes are essential to secure any hope of a brighter future. You’ll want to tune in to this week’s podcast as we talk with Amy Travis, who created A Conservative’s Survival Guide to Election Season and Beyond. She has some valuable insights about this no-holds-barred race to November.

The first issue is the most important for a large majority of voters and centers on their ability to afford the American dream – or at least a scaled-down version of it.

The Economy

We all know it’s rough out there. By out there – I mean at the gas station and grocery store. The American family has felt the squeeze tighten for four years now. It’s caused us to skip vacations in favor of paying bills and sometimes to scramble to make the mortgage or rent payment. We don’t like it, but most of us understand a bit of belt-tightening during difficult times. We are resilient and inventive and will get through it, especially if we know relief is coming at some point.

To date, we haven’t been given any concrete assurances of a better future. We’ve been promised that joy and hope will characterize our future in a Harris/Walz administration. Meanwhile, the mainstream media has told us not to believe what we are experiencing; instead, we are expected to accept their assessment that the economy is doing great. Despite those wild-eyed claims, we recognize the reality we live in.

We hope the Harris campaign will finally explain her plan and how it will provide tangible help. To date, it’s been a little vague, and we are experiencing the fact that the policies in place right now aren’t working for most Americans. Now is the time for Vice-President Harris to give more details about how her “opportunity economy” will help average American families, and we hope she does.

President Trump promises to use his business prowess and deal-making to quickly turn things around. Is that possible? Looking back on his previous term, we saw low inflation and gas prices. Can he deliver again, given the dire situation citizens are facing? Time will tell – if he returns to the Oval Office.

Domestic Disaster Relief

Right now, our Southern friends have faced the ravages of two Hurricanes, Helene and Milton, with devastating loss of life, homes, power, water, and hope in the mountains of Western North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and Florida.

The Internet is on fire with accusations hurled at the Biden/Harris administration’s response – FEMA’s failures, Trump’s statements – and Governor Ron DeSantis’ efforts on behalf of Floridians.

November elections always occur during Hurricane season, making the human suffering fodder for extra strife and contention. It’s ugly – and sometimes hard to parse out what’s true. I’ve viewed many videos of Carolinians claiming that government rescue was missing for nearly a week. Heroic citizens brought donkeys, climbing gear, helicopters, ATVs, and every idea they could muster to rescue those trapped, lost, or desperate.

Organizations like Samaritan’s Purse, Convoy of Hope, CBN’s Operation Blessing, The Cajun Navy, and dozens of others stepped up. We’re pleased to share that mamas like you have contributed to our efforts, as Moms for America got involved, bringing semi-truckloads of needed supplies to suffering communities. Elon Musk donated StarLink devices to help restore communication to remote areas. Dr. Phil covered that and other relief efforts on a recent Primetime broadcast.1

When Hurricane Katrina decimated New Orleans, it wasn’t an election year; however, President Bush and FEMA were excoriated for what was described as a slow and inadequate response. Music superstar Kanye West accused the President of not caring about “black people,” and similar accusations were repeated by media outlets.

The tables have turned this time, and the mainstream media seems blind to any fault in the government’s response. That’s where alternative media and citizens speaking their minds on X, Rumble, and other free-speech platforms are giving Biden and Harris a poor grade. Those in these devastated communities have created hundreds of social media posts claiming they have been forgotten by the government and are receiving their primary help from other organizations and individuals.

Meanwhile, in the days after Helene roared through several states, Harris posted a surprising promise to aid – not those in North Carolina, but the people of Lebanon. Her post:

“The people of Lebanon are facing an increasingly dire humanitarian situation. I am concerned about the security and well-being of civilians suffering in Lebanon and will continue working to help meet the needs of all civilians there. To that end, the United States will provide nearly $157 million in additional assistance to the people of Lebanon for essential needs such as food, shelter, water, protection, and sanitation to help those who have been displaced by the recent conflict. This additional support brings total U.S. assistance to Lebanon over the last year to over $385 million.”

Later in the week, when questioned about the weather emergency, Harris accused Governor DeSantis of not taking her calls. President Biden later confirmed that he and DeSantis have been working together to address the crisis. Politics and weather disasters – are a terrible mix.

That’s the now. Would President Trump do something more – or different -or more effectively? He says he would.

You get to decide.


Currently, President Trump has drawn criticism from those who refuse to cast a vote for him because of his perceived wavering on the issue of abortion. During his term, he was credited for appointing Supreme Court justices who, being committed Constitutionalists, were instrumental in overturning Roe v. Wade. That decision checked off a many-decades goal for the pro-life movement. Trump was the first President ever to speak at the annual March for Life, reduced taxpayer funding of abortion through Planned Parenthood, and ended funds for overseas abortion with the reinstatement of the Mexico City Policy.

So, what about now? Some of his more recent statements haven’t sounded as staunchly pro-life as many expected. Is he turning back from his commitment to the unborn?

Author, historian, and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza recently compared the abortion question to another time during a contentious election when another life and death issue was at the forefront of American society – slavery.2

It was a four-way contest in 1860 with Abraham Lincoln, John C. Breckinridge, John Bell, and Stephen A Douglas. Though the more anti-slavery candidate, some abolitionists were skeptical of Lincoln’s stance because, during the campaign, he advocated only to stop the spread of slavery. Staunch abolitionists saw Lincoln as unfit since he made no pledge to end that barbaric practice once and for all.

President Lincoln’s Cottage published a fascinating piece on the topic, “#NeverLincoln: Abolitionists and the 1860 Election.” In it, historian James McPherson is quoted, “Abolitionists were understandably perplexed about this man Lincoln. He was plainly against slavery, but he was just as plainly not for its immediate and total abolition.” 3

For the anti-slavery constituency, he was the only choice as the lesser of the “evils.” Sound familiar?

Lincoln needed to win that election, and by becoming our first Republican President, he abolished slavery from our great land with the Emancipation Proclamation. Would he have won if he had campaigned as the purest of abolitionist candidates? Probably not.  

Can we promise that Trump is similarly hedging to be more acceptable to the broader voting public? No. We can’t know, just as voters in 1860 could not be assured that Lincoln would take such decisive action. All we know for sure is that Trump’s policies, though flawed, will allow more babies to live compared to Harris, who promises to sign a federal law to bring abortion back permanently to every state in the union.  

World Conflict & Dangers to Peace

In her recent 60 Minutes interview, Vice President Harris was asked if the US had a “real, close ally” in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Harris responded, “I think, with all due respect, the better question is, do we have an important alliance between the American people and the Israeli people? And the answer to that question is ‘yes.'”

She has been unwilling to voice US support of Netanyahu, even snubbing him during his most recent visit (instead she attended a sorority event) as he leads the effort to defeat Israel’s predatory enemies. Almost exactly one year after the most brutal slaughter of Jewish people since the Holocaust, there seems to be a bit of squishiness on where the US stands when it comes to our support of Israel. Is it a sincere break from our commitment to stand with Israel or simply a bow to the pressures of a campaign where the votes of Antisemitic college students are needed to bring Harris across the finish line? Still, our nation historically gives 3.8 billion in annual aid to Israel  – and that has grown to 14 billion since October 7th, 2021. Though we see some wavering now in Harris’ words and demeanor, it likely won’t be until after the votes are counted that we’ll know where she stands – if she wins.

As we focus on now – before voting in a few weeks, we thought a report published earlier this year by the Heritage Foundation, “Conclusion: Global Threat Level,” is worth considering.4 It confirmed what many of us have heard about the formidable threat to our nation from China and Russia, with others like Iran ramping up their weaponry.

Senator Roger Wicker of Mississippi wrote his own assessment of our current readiness. “We may find ourselves in a state of extreme vulnerability in a matter of a few years, according to a growing consensus of experts. Our military readiness could be at its lowest point in decades just as China’s military, in particular, hits its stride.”5

Sabers are rattling, and each of us faces a question.

Who will be better at protecting the homeland? Harris or Trump?


Right now, parents are demanding school choice. The lines have been drawn between those who favor parental choice and rights – and those who believe our teachers, administrators, and unions are in the best position to raise our kids. We know where you stand, mamas. Freedom-loving parents are united.

It’s an issue we at Moms for America have addressed often during recent years, as we’ve witnessed a steady decline in the quality of our schools (measured by falling test scores) and a distinct left-turn into ideological education focused on Critical Race Theory, gender ideology, and climate alarmism. We’ve also seen some schools seeking the power to come between parents and their children.

Moms have gotten wise, though, and they are not having it. Individuals and organizations like Moms for America have pushed back, fighting for a return to quality curricula and instructors, boundaries protecting kids and their families, and freedom to choose the style of education that works for each American family.

Harris promises to de-emphasize standardized testing, provide universal prekindergarten (run by government schools), up the budget for career and technical ed, and give teachers a “better” working environment. In contrast, the Republican Party supports universal school choice, parental rights, and an end to tenure for teachers. And one more thing – no boys in girl’s sports.

There’s a consequential line in the sand between the party positions, and moms like you will pick a side in November.

We could go on much longer. “Now” is jam-packed with so many issues that we can’t address them all in one post. Don’t forget the dramatic rise in crime, the four-year flood of illegal aliens (including many dangerous criminals), and the ongoing attack on free speech and traditional values.

Your voice is more vital than ever, so be sure to confirm that you are registered to vote and ask your friends and family to do the same. We have help and resources available at MomVote, where you can also find an interactive map offering more specific information about your state’s races. You can also learn more about how you can get involved to help secure this year’s vote.

Next week, we will look at the future, imagining what a Harris presidency might look like based on what’s been promised, contrasted with what another four years of Trump will likely yield.

1 Dr. Phil’s Primetime

2 The Dinesh D’Souza Podcast

3 LincolnCottage.org

4 Heritage.org

5 Wicker.senate.gov
