Tired of Bad News? Hope is Here With 4 Great Things Happening Right Now
Our nation has been marked by the miraculous even before it was born.
You’ve heard many of the stories, like that of George Washington, as a young soldier, riding home with bullet holes in his coat but with no injury; an inexplicably dense fog that saved thousands of American troops during the Revolutionary War; a massive hurricane that turned the tide in the War of 1812. From America’s cutting-edge inventions, arts, technologies, and economic leadership in the world to God’s intervention throughout our short history, the story of America is nothing less than – astounding.
That’s what makes much of what we see today, especially in the news, discouraging.
From countless examples of rampant crime, like the 68-year-old woman brutally attacked as she climbed the steps of a New York City church last week, police officers beaten by illegal migrants, empowered by our open border giving access to the hopeful and heinous alike – to deteriorating freedoms as dark politics try to strip away our American birthright. Not to mention the crimes being committed against children in the name of gender ideology. Okay, I mentioned it. Sometimes, I want to hide in a closet, hoping things will blow over.
That never works, though. And frankly, we’re better than that, mamas!
America’s not finished – nor are we. That’s why this week, we wanted to point to some hopeful happenings for those weary of the seemingly endless stream of bad news. Check out our list of four great things that are happening now.
1. Truth is Trending in the US – Finally!
America’s been fed a steady diet of untruths.
When we’ve tried to voice objections, we’re told to shut up and eat. They demanded lockstep behaviors and then went beyond that insisting we believe what they were dishing up. Thankfully, this sheep mentality is gradually going out of style.
More Americans are waking up to the fact that lies are the currency of the current media and political power brokers who claim:
- “The border is secure.”
- “The economy is booming.” (If you’re struggling, you’re told it’s because there aren’t as many chips in your bag of Lays)
- “Biological men can be women.”
- “The inflation rate is lower than when Trump was President.” (A personal favorite – are you freaking kidding me?)
- “CRT is not in schools.”
- “The vaccine is safe and effective.”
- “If you don’t transition your kid – they’ll kill themselves.” (Someone should go to jail for that one!)
The lies are still out there; an unflinching White House press secretary is toeing the political line, saying all the crazy with a straight face. The usual suspects in the mainstream media hold fast to their non-journalistic leftist religion, as well; however, we’re starting to see more from that side of the aisle say the quiet part out loud.
Joe Rogan, America’s top podcaster, not a conservative voice, has spoken openly to his 14.5 million followers that trans athletes in women’s sports is wrong (though his language was more colorful than mine). He also came out against gender “affirming” care for kids, explaining in an interview with Adrian Rogers, “Kids are extremely malleable. They’re extremely easy to manipulate… we’ve always known this. It’s one of the reasons why you don’t let children get tattoos. It’s one of the reasons you don’t let children join the military. It’s one of the reasons why you don’t let children have children, it’s one of the reasons why we have ages of consent because we know they’re not smart enough, old enough to make their own decisions.” 1 Truth.
More are speaking truth about the open border, too. Though many still try, its harsh realities are becoming nearly impossible to ignore. As the crush of migrant populations descends on blue cities, suddenly, the virtuous title “sanctuary city” has lost its sheen. Blue mayors plead for relief as others push to remove the sanctuary tag. They like to point an accusing finger at border state governors, who deal with a far greater number of illegal aliens every single day. It’s rich.
Since the truth has become evident, the President has tried to convince Americans that he’s powerless to close the border without a sham “border” bill that would ingrain illegal crossings into law. President Trump proved that the White House has the power to close the border. It’s a matter of will.
Religious freedom was on trial when Coach Joe Kennedy was fired for praying midfield following each high school football game. The Supreme Court usually accepts less than a hundred cases each year – contrasted by the seven to eight thousand appealed. Coach Kennedy’s was chosen – and the decision came down 6-3 in his favor. Though this happened over a year ago, many may not realize that his simple complaint set a new precedent for Americans to publicly exercise their faith. It nullified a previous standard called the “Lemon Test” (based on Lemon v. Kurtzman), which had been used successfully to limit religious expression, such as removing crosses or the Ten Commandments from public display. Constitutional truth won the day for Coach Kennedy and Americans of all faiths.
Citizens are waking up to discover they’ve been sold a bill of goods, and now we are done. Truth is trending, and the Biden administration is scrambling.
Let’s keep demanding truth from those in power, mamas!
2. Countless Thousands are Finding Faith
Many have pointed to shrinking congregations and a drop in church-going following the pandemic as a marked departure from faith in America. While some of the data does support that theory – there’s more to these stats than meets the eye. In fact, there is convincing evidence that the church is actually thriving in America – more on that in a moment.
First, did you catch what happened at the University of Georgia in recent weeks? During a gathering of thousands of students for Unite Georgia, a faith event, hundreds declared their commitment to follow Jesus. They took to the parking lot for baptisms in the beds of pickup trucks.
One student called to the crowd before her submersion, “I was atheist until three years ago when Christ called my name, and He showed me that the love of Jesus is the greatest love story of all time!”
In a report on The Ingraham Angle, Tonya Prewitt, founder of Unite US, explained that the organization now receives numerous requests from other universities to bring the event to their campuses. Laura Ingraham summed it up well, “Something is happening in this country; there’s a deep, deep, deep desire for something more…” 2
This is not a one-off; there are other outpourings nationwide, including the amazing chapel service at Asbury University in Kentucky, which captured the nation’s attention just over a year ago. It seemed like a typical gathering until there was an undeniable spiritual outpouring, and the service went on and on. It didn’t stop for 16 days as students were touched by worship and testimonies. The transformative event drew more than 50,000 to the college town of 6,000. They flooded in to join in the 24/7 prayer and worship and experience this move of God for themselves.
As we mentioned earlier, reports of the demise of the American church are very premature.
In fact, studies cited by Glenn Stanton, author and director of Global Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family, tell a different story. He claims that stats reveal that church attendance is actually at an “all-time high,” based on the data on the percentage of the population and the raw figures. Stanton’s research also led him to claim that church attendance for non-denominational and evangelical congregations has nearly doubled since the early 70s. His book The Myth of the Dying Church: How Christianity Is Actually Thriving in America lays out this brighter story.3 The “decline” often talked about is among more theologically liberal mainstream Protestant denominations. In other words, the vibrant churches holding firmly to biblical truth and unwilling to water it down to appeal to cultural whims are growing and stronger than ever.
Speaking of God’s never-ending love and care, we enjoyed an inspirational conversation on this week’s podcast with Jennifer Huch, whose son, Lion, experienced a miraculous healing from childhood Leukemia. Don’t miss their encouraging story.
3. Moms are On the Move
We’ve applauded you before, mamas, but take another bow.
Moms all over America have decided to stand for truth. They are no longer silent, and they’re saying a resounding “No” to those who would strip us of freedoms and target our children.
That’s really good news for our nation.
We hold the power to raise our young with patriotic pride and strong faith. We will no longer cower to school administrators who try to exert control over our children. There are options and we can pull them from unhealthy educational environments, opting for homeschooling, charter schools, or private. As school choice sweeps the nation, this has given a greater ability to make public schools compete, giving our kids the best options and parents greater peace of mind.
We raise our voices at school board meetings and are being elected to important posts in our communities. If you’re looking for your place, check out all the ways you can get more involved with Moms for America. You have a voice and something important to say. We want to help. You can fill out our Join the Movement form to let us know your interests or join one of our groups to partner with other mamas like you.
4. It’s FINALLY Election Year!
We will be the first to admit it; elections can get ugly. This year, though, possibly more than ever, the fact that the Presidential race is on the horizon is the best news in a long, long time!
After more than three excruciating years of tragedy, mayhem, and cultural decline, we are ready to cast our votes. Is this hyperbole? No.
To name just a few things, thanks to the Biden administration:
- Inflation costs American families at least $800 more each month.
- Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan cost an unknown number of lives among Americans and our friends in that region, followed by questionable statements and policies for the Ukraine/Russia war, Israel’s current conflicts, and China/Taiwan tensions.
- Fentanyl and opioids have cost hundreds of thousands of American lives in recent years as Biden’s open border facilitates the drug trade.
- America lost energy independence as the Biden administration closed drilling and pipeline projects and threw roadblocks up for the energy industry.
- The state-sanctioned push toward gender ideology and CRT has targeted our children.
Those are just a few reasons why election year is a cause for celebration. We have the opportunity to get behind President Trump to seal his victory and our hope for a better future.
We’ve got to mobilize, mamas. Get involved through MomVote to learn about candidates and platforms and how you can make your voice louder. Share MomVote with others, encouraging friends and family to vote. We need a decisive win this fall to reclaim our nation and liberties.
Get your kids involved, too. Celebrate the freedom we enjoy to cast a vote and choose our leaders. Teach your littles about this important right and responsibility. Tell them who you’re voting for and why. Then, host a party on election night. It’s a fantastic opportunity to help our young patriots understand the issues and what’s at stake.
Trouble is all around, but it doesn’t define us – or our future. Truth is a steady stream that may hopefully become a raging river through our land. Faith is not dead but on the rise, and we will exercise our freedoms granted by the blood and sacrifice of those who came before. Hope is on the horizon. We will save this nation, working together to usher in a renaissance of American spirit – and liberty.
1 outkick.com (Joe Rogan)
2 foxnews.com (The Ingraham Angle)
3 denisonforum.org (Glenn Stanton)