The Cottage Meeting Series
12 Presentations

We’re so excited to introduce you to the Cottage Meeting Project. These 12 inspired lessons will remind you of the majesty and exceptionalism of America. We’ll gather once a week to learn together and support each other as we look for ways to feel hopeful, not hopeless. This series is available live each week, and will be led by Kimberly Fletcher, founder and President of Moms for America.

Anyone, anywhere, anytime, can host a Cottage Meeting.  Join us each week live and be part of the solution… join the Cottage Meeting Revolution.

The spirit of America is alive! It thunders in homes all across this nation. There is hope for America. It is the hope that swells within our own hearts – it is our vision of the future. We are the hope of America. Liberty begins with us.

Anchored in Hope

This presentation will introduce you to Moms for America®, provide an overview of the MFA mission, and introduce you to the four fundamentals of liberty.

No Place Like Home

This presentation will introduce the significant role of the home and family in society, introduce the Pillars of Liberty, and established the principle that liberty begins at home.
Resources – Presentation #1 Anchored In Hope



Coming Full Circle

by Kimberly Fletcher

Anchored in Hope

by Tammy Hulse

We the People:
A Matter of Heart

Don't Let Freedom Slip Away

by Kitty Werthmann

Patriot's Reading List - Categorized by Age
Monumental Movie - Kirk Cameron

In Search of America's
National Treasure
A film by Kirk Cameron

The 5000 Year Leap

The 5000 Year Leap
by Cleon Skousen,
Also available at the National
Center for Constitutional Studies

Raising a Generation of Patriots - Moms for America

Raising Patriots:
Restoring Our Garden of Liberty
by Marlene Peterson, Tammy Hulse, and Kimberly Fletcher

Promises of the Constitution

Promises of the

by Pamela Romney Openshaw 

The Real George Washington

The Real
George Washington

by Andrew M. Allison

Ronald Reagan
One Nation Under God

John Wayne
Speaks to America Today

Johnny Cash
Ragged Old Flag

Cottage Meetings for Kids Logo New

Check out our kid-friendly version of the Cottage Meeting series, it is presented through fun and engaging activities, while teaching your children the principles of faith, family and freedom. Your kids will love it!

Resources – Presentation #2 No Place Like Home



Liberty Begins at Home

by Kimberly Fletcher

Pillars of Liberty

compiled by Kimberly Fletcher

45 Communist Goals

Simplicity with Perseverence

by Kimberly Fletcher

Agenda: Grinding America Down - Documentary

Agenda: Grinding America Down
Join Curtis Bowers for a fascinating look at the people and groups that have successfully targeted America's morality and freedom in their effort to grind America down.

Courageous - The Movie

Protecting the streets is second nature to these men. Raising their children in a God-honoring way? That’s courageous. This is a great movie that emphasizes the role of the father.

America The Beautiful by Ben Carson

America the Beautiful
by Ben Carson
In America the Beautiful, Dr. Ben Carson helps us learn from our past in order to chart a better course for our future.

Our Home - by C.E. Sargent

Our Home
This book, “Our home”, by C.E. Sargent, a replication of a pre 1890 book, has been restored by humans, page by page, so that you may enjoy it in a form as close to the original as possible.

George Washington's Rules on Civility

George Washington's
Rules of Civility

Benjamin Franklin - The Art of Virtue

Benjamin Franklin's
The Art of Virtue

The Real Benjamin Franklin - Healing of America Resources

The Real
Benjamin Franklin

The Jefferson Bible

The Jefferson

Cottage Meeting Resource Guide

The Cottage Meetings
Resource Guide

Gifted Hands - The Movie

Gifted Hands
The Movie

Gifted Hands - by Ben Carson - Book

Gifted Hands
The Book

Dr. Benjamin Carson's Amazing Speech
at the National Prayer Breakfast
with Obama Present

Seminar 1 - Healing of America - Virtual Cottage Series - Moms For America

Healing of America Series
God's Hand in the Building of America
Events and people who prepared the way.

Cottage Meetings for Kids Logo New

Check out our kid-friendly version of the Cottage Meeting series, it is presented through fun and engaging activities, while teaching your children the principles of faith, family and freedom. Your kids will love it!

Ladies First

This presentation will help women realize their powerful influence in their home and family, the community, and the nation; that if we are to heal our nation, we must begin by first educating ourselves.

Foundation of Faith

This presentation will illustrate how God and faith were instrumental in the founding of America; that Faith is the Pillar of Liberty which laid the foundation where liberty could grow and prosper.
Resources – Presentation #3 Ladies First


Cottage Meeting Intro Video - Presentation #3 Ladies First


The Gathering Place

by Kimberly Fletcher

Ladies First

Excerpt from “WOMEN: America’s Last Best Hope

A Woman's Influence

Excerpt from “WOMEN: America’s Last Best Hope


Teaching Boys to Respect Women

Institute for Family Studies

Teach Your Daughters to Respect Men

The Spectrum

Raising Girls to Be Ladies

The Mom Initiative

10 Thoughts on Raising Boys to Be Men

The Unlikely Homeschool

Hands of Heaven - Inspirational Video

Hands of Heaven
Music Video

A Mother's Influence - Inspirational Video

A Mother's Influence
Inspirational Video

Life doesn’t come with a manual. It comes with a mother.

Life Doesn't Come With A Manual.
It Comes With a Mother.

Gifted Hands The Ben Carson Story

GIfted Hands
(Movie Trailer)

It Takes a Mother by Colleen Down

It Takes A Mother
by Colleen Down

Women: America's Last Best Hope - by Kimberly Fletcher
WOMEN: America's Last Best Hope
by Kimberly Fletcher
When Queens Ride By - Book by Agnes Turnbull

When Queens Ride By
by Agnes Turnbull, 1988

Patriots In Petticoats by Patricia Edwards Clyne

Patriot's In Petticoats
By Patricia Edwards Clyne
This book is out of print and hard to come by, so get a copy if you can find it.

The 5000 Year Leap

The 5000 Year Leap
Principle 8

by Cleon Skousen,
Also available at the National
Center for Constitutional Studies

Cottage Meetings for Kids Logo New

Check out our kid-friendly version of the Cottage Meeting series, it is presented through fun and engaging activities, while teaching your children the principles of faith, family and freedom. Your kids will love it!

Resources – Presentation #4 Foundation of Faith



Time for Remembering

by Tammy Hulse

Story Bible

Inspirational Quotes

Born Free

by Kimberly Fletcher

A Columbine Father

Message from Darrell Scott

God is too Controversial

Excerpt from "Women America's Last Best Hope"
by Kimberly Fletcher

Fires of Faith Video Set

Fires of Faith
Two Disc Video Set

Story Bible Book

The Story Bible
King James Version

Promises of the Constitution

Promises of the

by Pamela Romney Openshaw 

Joan of Arc - Miniseries

Joan of Arc
TV Mini Series 1999 - IMDb

The Light and The Glory Book

The Light and the Glory
by Peter Marshall & David Manuel

The Light and the Glory - For Children

The Light and the Glory for Children
by Peter Marshall & David Manuel

The 5000 Year Leap

The 5000 Year Leap
Principle 8

by Cleon Skousen,
Also available at the National
Center for Constitutional Studies

The Miracle of America Birth of a Nation

The Miracle of America Birth of a Nation
by Brian P. Trotter and William S. Norton

Paul Harvey's Warning to America

Paul Harvey's Warning to America
With Josh Tolley

Cottage Meetings for Kids Logo New

Check out our kid-friendly version of the Cottage Meeting series, it is presented through fun and engaging activities, while teaching your children the principles of faith, family and freedom. Your kids will love it!

Valor of Virtue

This presentation will introduce the second Pillar of Liberty – Virtue, illustrate how and why a virtuous citizenry is vital to sustaining liberty, and introduce the concept of “public virtue”.

Power of Patriotism

This presentation will introduce the Power of Patriotism as a matter of the heart, manifested through devotion to a cause higher than oneself – not for what the Patriot knows in his mind, but for what he understands in his heart. This leads to lasting dedication to living and promoting the principles of liberty.
Resources – Presentation #5 Valor of Virtue



The Heart of Education

by Kimberly Fletcher

Nobility of a Boy

adapted from a story by Margaret Eggleston

Liber and Public Virtue

by Oliver DeMille

Fulfilling Our Civic Duty

by Kimberly Fletcher

Pursuit of a Virtuous Life

Ben Franklin's Pursuit

Rise Up Ye Women

Excerpt from "Women America's Last Best Hope"
by Kimberly Fletcher

Alliance - Cottage Meeting Presentation #5

by Gerald N. Lund

Leadership and Self-Deception - Cottage Meeting Presentation #5

Leadership & Self-deception
by Arbinger Institute

the Chronicles of Narnia - Cottage Meeting Presentation #5

The Chronicles of Narnia
by C.S. Lewis

The Whipping Boy - Vol 2 - Cottage Meeting Presentation #5

The Whipping Boy
by Sid Fleischman

Animal Farm by George Orwell - Cottage Meeting Presentation #5

Animal Farm
by George Orwell

Hey Tuskegee! - Cottage Meeting Resources #5

Hey Tuskegee!
by Robert Constant

Bonds that Make Us Free - Cottage Meeting Presentation #5

Bonds That Make Us Free
by C. Terry Warner

Promises of the Constitution

Promises of the Constitution
by Pamela Romney Openshaw

The Real Benjamin Franklin - Healing of America Resources

The Real
Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklins Book of Virtues - Cottage Meeting Presentation #5

Benjamin Franklin's
Book of Virtues

The Family of Virtues Guide - Cottage Meeting Presentation #5

The Family Virtues Guide
by Linda Kavelin Popov, Dan Popov & John Kavelin

Squanto Miracle of Thanksgiving - Cottage Meeting Resources #5

Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving
by Eric Mextaxas

American History Stories - A Story of George Washington - Cottage Meeting Resources #5

American History Stories
A Story of George Washington
Volume 1 by Mara L. Pratt

Raising a Generation of Patriots Book 2022 - Moms for America

Raising Patriots:
Restoring Our Garden of Liberty
by Marlene Peterson, Tammy Hulse, and Kimberly Fletcher

Women: America's Last Best Hope - by Kimberly Fletcher
White Wigs and Fat Cats
Chapter beginning on page 62
and  Rise Up Ye Women
Chapter beginning on page 197
Rudy - The Movie - Trailer

Rudy Ruettiger: The True Story
This is a great film to watch together with your family.
Great discussions can come from the film depicting this true story of perseverance

Cottage Meetings for Kids Logo New

Check out our kid-friendly version of the Cottage Meeting series, it is presented through fun and engaging activities, while teaching your children the principles of faith, family and freedom. Your kids will love it!

Resources – Presentation #6 Patriotism



A Place Called Liberty

by Kimberly Fletcher

Nothing to Love About America?

by Marlene Peterson

A Dream Called America

Declaration of Independence

Star Spangled Banner

Unlikely Heroes - by Ron Carter

Unlikely Heroes
by Ron Carter

Seven Miracles that Saved America - by Chris & Ted Stewart

Seven Miracles that Saved America
by Chris & Ted Stewart

Uncommon Sense - by Stephen Palmer

Uncommon Sense
by Stephen Palmer

Humble Origins by Bonnie Johnson Fite

Humble Origins
by Bonnie Johnson Fite

Hearts Full of Thanks Giving by Bonnie Johnson Fite

Hearts Full of Thanks Giving
by Bonnie Johnson Fite

Promises of the Constitution

Promises of the

by Pamela Romney Openshaw 

Monumental Movie - Kirk Cameron

In Search of America's
National Treasure
A film by Kirk Cameron

The 5000 Year Leap

The 5000 Year Leap
by Cleon Skousen,
Also available at the National
Center for Constitutional Studies

Dennis Prager
American Exceptionalism

Story Behind the National Anthem

Dad Sings National Anthem at Son's Game

The Audio wouldn’t work to play the National Anthem at a school basketball game. It got quiet and a little awkward then out of nowhere one of the boy’s dad steps up big time and sings with no mic, no music, just talent and passion

Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

John Wayne: America Why I Love Her

John Wayne: Pledge of Allegiance

Old Glory
by Evangelo Morris

God Bless the USA
Music Video by Lee Greenwood & US Soldiers

"Only in America"
Music Video by Brooks & Dunn

"God Bless the USA"
Music Video by Lee Greenwood

"Where the Stars & Stripes and The Eagle Fly"
Music Video by Aaron Tippin

The National Anthem
Fans Join In Singing Of Incredible National Anthem Before Jets vs. Ravens | NFL

Cottage Meetings for Kids Logo New

Check out our kid-friendly version of the Cottage Meeting series, it is presented through fun and engaging activities, while teaching your children the principles of faith, family and freedom. Your kids will love it!

America: Share the Story

This presentation will introduce the powerful influence of stories in promoting liberty and raising patriots. Stories are a powerful medium to teach the three pillars of liberty and is the most effective method for planting seeds in the heart.

Capture the Sunshine

This presentation will introduce the essential need of “Sunshine” in our lives, just as a plant needs sunshine to grow healthy and strong.  We will discuss why expressions of gratitude and recordings of inspirational thoughts are essential to capturing the sunshine in our lives.
Resources – Presentation #7 America Share the Story



Patriot's Reading List & Resources

Compiled by Kimberly Fletcher

Are You Just Reading to Them?

by Rachel DeMille

Patriot's Reading List - Categorized by Age


Once Upon A Time

by Sara DeMille

Three Little Pigs



My America Story Book

Libraries of Hope

My World Story Book

Libraries of Hope

The 5000 Year Leap

The 5000 Year Leap
by Cleon Skousen,
Also available at the National
Center for Constitutional Studies

Promises of the Constitution

Promises of the

by Pamela Romney Openshaw

Raising a Generation of Patriots - Moms for America

The Story of the Pilgrims
by Katharine Ross

Promises of the Constitution

The Pilgrims First Thanksgiving
by Ann McGovern

Stories of American History - Cottage Meetings - Moms for America

Stories of American History
by Mara Pratt

Monumental Movie - Kirk Cameron

Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving
by Eric Metaxas

Agenda: Grinding America Down - Documentary

Three Young Pilgrims
by Cheryl Harness

Hearts Full of Thanks Giving by Bonnie Johnson Fite

Hearts Full of Thanks Giving
by Bonnie Johnson Fite

Promises of the Constitution

The Pilgrim Hypothesis
by Timothy Ballard

Monumental Movie - Kirk Cameron

Freedom Series
12 Volumes

Johnny Tremain - Cottage Meeting Resources

Johnny Tremain
by Esther Hoskins Forbes

Charlottes Web - Cottage Meeting Resources

Charlotte's Web
By E. B. White

Miracle of America Coloring Book - Cottage Meeting Resources

The Miracle of America Coloring and Activity Book
by Brian P. Trotter

Hobomok & Thanksgiving - Cottage Meeting Resources

Hobomok and Thanksgiving
by Rebekka Parry

Monumental Movie - Kirk Cameron

The Read-Aloud Handbook
by Jim Trelease

Sarah Morton's Day: A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl - Cottage Meeting Resources

Sarah Morton's Day: A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl
by Kate Waters

Tapenum's Day: A Wampanoag Indian Boy in Pilgrim Times - Cottage Meeting Resources

Tapenum's Day: A Wampanoag Indian Boy in Pilgrim Times
by Kate Waters

The Miracle of America Birth of a Nation

The Miracle of America Birth of a Nation
by Brian P. Trotter and William S. Norton

The Boy Who Fell Off the Mayflower - Cottage Meeting Resources

The Boy Who Fell Off the Mayflower, or John Howland's Good Fortune
by P. J. Lynch

Hands of Heaven - Inspirational Video

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

A Mother's Influence - Inspirational Video

Story Teller Collection

Marshall Cavendish

Cottage Meeting Resources #7 - Rapunzel Story Video

Rapunzel Story

Bedtime stories for kids in English

The Invisible Woman Video

The Ant and the Grasshopper

The Invisible Woman Video


Cottage Meeting Resource Guide

The Cottage Meetings
Resource Guide

Seminar 1 - Healing of America - Virtual Cottage Series - Moms For America

Healing of America Series
God's Hand in the Building of America
Events and people who prepared the way.

Cottage Meetings for Kids Logo New

Check out our kid-friendly version of the Cottage Meeting series, it is presented through fun and engaging activities, while teaching your children the principles of faith, family and freedom. Your kids will love it!

Resources – Presentation #8 Capture the Sunshine


Cottage Meeting Resource Guide


Story That Unites Us

by Kimberly Fletcher

We're Not Poor

by Marlene Peterson

The Birdman of Alcatraz

by A. Dean Byrd and Mark D. Chamberlain.

The Nobleman and the Seed


Man's Search for Meaning

by Kimberly Fletcher

Being the Change

by Kimberly Fletcher

Corrie Ten Boom Forgiveness

Originally published in Guideposts Magazine 

Friendship Train

by Kimberly Fletcher

Patriot's Reading List - Categorized by Age
The 5000 Year Leap

The 5000 Year Leap
by Cleon Skousen,
Also available at the National
Center for Constitutional Studies

Raising a Generation of Patriots - Moms for America

Raising Patriots:
Restoring Our Garden of Liberty
by Marlene Peterson, Tammy Hulse, and Kimberly Fletcher

The Jefferson Bible

The Jefferson

The Jefferson Bible

The Blue Zones of Happiness

Freedom Factor- Cottage Meeting Book Club

The Freedom Factor
by Gerald N. Lund

Raising a Generation of Patriots - Moms for America

The Ultimate Gift
by Jim Stovall

The Jefferson Bible

The Present
by Spencer Johnson

The Jefferson Bible

Man's Search for Meaning
by Viktor Frankl

CM #8 Resources - The Hiding Place Book - Moms for America

The Hiding Place
by Corrie Ten Boom

CM #8 Resources - The Monuments Men Book - Moms for America

The Monuments Men
by Robert M. Edsel

CM #8 Resources - The Monuments Men Movie - Moms for America

The Monuments Men
Rent or Buy

CM #8 Resources - The Patriot Movie - Moms for America

The Patriot
Rent or Buy

Ray Charles
America the Beautiful

Ray Charles performs "America the Beautiful" prior to Game 2 of the World Series

John Wayne - Tribute
Swing Out Sweet Land (NBC Special)

by Dustin James

Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep
by Krista Branch

America the Beautiful
with lyrics

Have You Forgotten?
by Darryl Worley

Cottage Meetings for Kids Logo New

Check out our kid-friendly version of the Cottage Meeting series, it is presented through fun and engaging activities, while teaching your children the principles of faith, family and freedom. Your kids will love it!

A Time to Sow

This presentation will introduce the power of family dinner hour and quality family time to strengthen your family and promote a foundation of freedom in the home. The concept of self-government will also be introduced.

The Wheat and The Chaff

This presentation will introduce the Constitution of the United States as established by our Founding Fathers. It utilizes the analogy of separating the wheat from the chaff to distinguish between the original Constitution and the misinterpretations of today.
Resources – Presentation #9 A Time to Sow


Promises of the Constitution

Promises of the Constitution
by Pamela Romney Openshaw


Family: It's About Time


Fortifying Our Homes

by Lisa Cummins

Mind Your Manners

by Cherie Cawley

Raising a Generation of Patriots - Moms for America

Raising Patriots:
Restoring Our Garden of Liberty
by Marlene Peterson, Tammy Hulse, and Kimberly Fletcher

Raising a Generation of Patriots - Moms for America

Table Talk Sampler

Raising a Generation of Patriots - Moms for America

The Food Nanny Rescues Dinner
by Liz Edmunds

Raising a Generation of Patriots - Moms for America

A House United
by Nicholeen Peck

Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

The Dinner Dilemma
The Food Nanny Rescues Dinner

Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

Ronald Reagan's Message of Patriotism
January 11, 1989

Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

Importance of Family Mealtime
Heidi Weinstein - TEDx Mills High School

Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

Family Dinner Etiquette (1950)
Excerpt from "A Date With Your Family" by Edward C Simmel.

Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

Mind Your Manners (1953)
How teenagers can cultivate good manners by manifesting a real desire to get along with others.

Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance

1950 Family Date
Dinner in a 1950's Home

Cottage Meetings for Kids Logo New

Check out our kid-friendly version of the Cottage Meeting series, it is presented through fun and engaging activities, while teaching your children the principles of faith, family and freedom. Your kids will love it!

Resources – Presentation #10 The Wheat and Chaff



The 17th Amendment
and the Destruction of Federalism

by Earl Taylor

Constitution Day

by Olga Weber


The Constitution
of the United States

U.S. Constitution

Preserve, Protect and Defend- Cottage Meeting Book Club

Preserve Protect & Defend
by Cameron Taylor

Women: America's Last Best Hope - by Kimberly Fletcher

Stories of the Government
Freedom Series - Library of Hope

When Queens Ride By - Book by Agnes Turnbull

Original Intent:
The Courts, the Constitution, & Religion
by David Barton

Proclaim Liberty - Book

Proclaim Liberty Study Guide

The 5000 Year Leap

The 5000 Year Leap - Principle 8
by Cleon Skousen,
Also available at the National
Center for Constitutional Studies

Catechism on the Constitution

A Catechism on the Constitution of the United States

The Making of America

Making of America
Currently out of stock

Promises of the Constitution

Promises of the Constitution:
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
by  Pamela Romney Openshaw

Proclaim Liberty - Book

Enabling the People
by Rebecca M. Siebach

The 5000 Year Leap

The 5000 Year Leap Bookmark
 by NCCS

Catechism on the Constitution

I Love America - Volume 1

The Making of America

I Love America - Volume 2

Promises of the Constitution

US Constitution and
Government Student Journal

Proclaim Liberty - Book

U.S. Constitution Activity Book

The 5000 Year Leap

Mystery of Constitution Island

Remember Who We Are
by Krista Branch (A fellow liberty mom)

America's Wall of Political Protection
by Dr. Glenn J. Kimber

The Most Powerful
Political Office in the World
by Dr. Glenn J. Kimber

Fires of Faith Series

A More Perfect Union DVD
America Becomes a Nation

Cottage Meeting Resource Guide

Constitution for Kids
The Constitution for Kids audio series is designed to give the future guardians of our liberties a fun interactive introduction to the United States Constitution.

Seminar 1 - Healing of America - Virtual Cottage Series - Moms For America

The Good and the Beautiful Library
Homeschool Curriculum for Kids

Cottage Meetings for Kids Logo New

Check out our kid-friendly version of the Cottage Meeting series, it is presented through fun and engaging activities, while teaching your children the principles of faith, family and freedom. Your kids will love it!

Law of The Harvest

This presentation will introduce the concept of family reliance and escape government dependency. You will discover how a free people can use the principles of economics to gain prosperity. The most effective department of health, education and welfare for the nation begins in the home.

Raising a New Generation of Patriots

This presentation will introduce activities and learning experiences that can be used to teach the next generation.  Whether your family participates in public school, private school or home school, this presentation will boost your confidence in educating the next generation about the principles of liberty.

Resources – Presentation #11 Law of the Harvest



The 17th Amendment
and the Destruction of Federalism

by Earl Taylor

Constitution Day

by Olga Weber


The Constitution
of the United States

U.S. Constitution

Preserve, Protect and Defend- Cottage Meeting Book Club

Preserve Protect & Defend
by Cameron Taylor

Women: America's Last Best Hope - by Kimberly Fletcher

Stories of the Government
Freedom Series - Library of Hope

When Queens Ride By - Book by Agnes Turnbull

Original Intent:
The Courts, the Constitution, & Religion
by David Barton

Proclaim Liberty - Book

Proclaim Liberty Study Guide

The 5000 Year Leap

The 5000 Year Leap - Principle 8
by Cleon Skousen,
Also available at the National
Center for Constitutional Studies

Catechism on the Constitution

A Catechism on the Constitution of the United States

The Making of America

Making of America
Currently out of stock

Promises of the Constitution

Promises of the Constitution:
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
by  Pamela Romney Openshaw

Proclaim Liberty - Book

Enabling the People
by Rebecca M. Siebach

The 5000 Year Leap

The 5000 Year Leap Bookmark
 by NCCS

Catechism on the Constitution

I Love America - Volume 1

The Making of America

I Love America - Volume 2

Promises of the Constitution

US Constitution and
Government Student Journal

Proclaim Liberty - Book

U.S. Constitution Activity Book

The 5000 Year Leap

Mystery of Constitution Island

Remember Who We Are
by Krista Branch (A fellow liberty mom)

America's Wall of Political Protection
by Dr. Glenn J. Kimber

The Most Powerful
Political Office in the World
by Dr. Glenn J. Kimber

Fires of Faith Series

A More Perfect Union DVD
America Becomes a Nation

Cottage Meeting Resource Guide

Constitution for Kids
The Constitution for Kids audio series is designed to give the future guardians of our liberties a fun interactive introduction to the United States Constitution.

Seminar 1 - Healing of America - Virtual Cottage Series - Moms For America

The Good and the Beautiful Library
Homeschool Curriculum for Kids

Cottage Meetings for Kids Logo New

Check out our kid-friendly version of the Cottage Meeting series, it is presented through fun and engaging activities, while teaching your children the principles of faith, family and freedom. Your kids will love it!

Resources – Presentation #12 Raising Patrios



A Mother's Garden

by Kimberly Fletcher

The Urgent Need to Teach
the Constitution to the Rising Generation

by Earl Taylor

The Hula Story

by Kimberly Fletcher

Raising George Washington

Excerpt from “WOMEN: America’s Last Best Hope

Lest We Forget

Excerpt from “WOMEN: America’s Last Best Hope


Education Options

Empowered Moms

Catechism on the Constitution

I Love America - Volume 1

Catechism on the Constitution

Vacation Liberty School
Faith, Hope, and Charity: Curriculum and Planning Guide

The 5000 Year Leap

Constitution Quest Board Game

Preserve, Protect and Defend- Cottage Meeting Book Club

Hearthstone Education Plan:
A parent’s resource for teaching and nurturing a new generation of patriots. A K-12 Education Resource website created by Moms for America.

Proclaim Liberty - Book

Agency Based Education Organization
Teaches principles for an agency based education.

Liberty's Kids - Cottage Meetings for Kids - Video Resources

Liberty Kids
Liberty Kids - Watch All 40 Episodes For Free!

Liberty's Kids - Cottage Meetings for Kids - Video Resources

Liberty Kids
The Great American Experience

Take Your Hat Off - Cottage Meetings for Kids - Video Resources

Take Your Hat Off
When the Flag Goes By

School House Rock - Cottage Meetings for Kids - Video Resources

Schoolhouse Rock: America Rock

Animated Hero Classics - Cottage Meetings for Kids - Video Resources

Animated Hero Classics
by NEST Entertainment

Libraries of Hope

Libraries of Hope (home of the Well-Educated Heart) provides a treasure trove of FREE resources to help preserve a culture of Faith, Family and Freedom and a love of the Good, the True and the Beautiful. We are a community of families learning to use the Arts – Music, Paintings, Poetry and Story – to educate the hearts of our children.

Of special interest to the Moms for America community:

My America Story Book:  A sampling of American history stories from pre-1923 literature.  Stories are available to listen to or to read.  You will also find Fine Art and Music to go along with the topics.  Children can create their own My America Story Book with images provided.

The Forgotten Classics Family Library: Here is a large collection of stories gathered from the pre-1923 Golden Age of Children’s Literature.  Free digital versions can be accessed by clicking on the title. Especially note the Freedom Series filled with inspiring stories from American history as well as the World Freedom Series.

Libraries of Hope Online Library

Here are thousands of children’s history and cultural  books sorted by topics and genre and linked to free digital reads.  To find the books, click on a topic of interest, and then click on one of the buttons at the top of the page.  To open a book, click on the icon next to the title.  

Catch the Vision Introductory Course

Learn more about the Well-Educated Heart philosophy of learning and find even more free resources and how to use them. Some families use it as a complete Homeschooling program.

Cottage Meetings for Kids Logo New

Check out our kid-friendly version of the Cottage Meeting series, it is presented through fun and engaging activities, while teaching your children the principles of faith, family and freedom. Your kids will love it!

Listen to
The Cottage Meeting Series
12 Presentations
Fall/Winter 2023